Past session resources
Interested in learning more about a specific topic? Explore some of our past presentations here!
Presentations from 2016 and older can be found in our archive.
list of past sessions
JAN 2023: How to avoid burnout and balance it all, Lacey Kempinski & Dr. Emily Bennett
FEB 2023: Direct Marketing, John Lepp
MAR 2023: Government relations, Lauren Hunt
APR 2023: Reconciliation in Philanthropy, Mitch Huguenin & Julie Davis
MAY 2023: Workshop: Secrets of Major Gifts Fundraising, Rudy Massimo
SEP 2023: Current fundraising Trends and WORKSHOP: Planned giving, Paul Nazareth
OCT 2023: Community Engagement: Upsizing Impact by Empowering People PLUS Intro: Volunteer Peterborough, Stephanie LeBlanc & Lois Tuffin
NOV 2023: Vital Focus on Peterborough's Charitable Sector, Jennifer DeBues
JAN 2022: Using Grant Connect part of your fundraising strategy, Eeman Khan
FEB 2022: Integrating Social Media Effectively for a Fundraising Boost, Brock Warner
MAR 2022: Planned Giving, Lesley Heighway
APR 2022: Benefits of Project Management, Jeremy Spencley
MAY 2022: Workshop: Dismantling Harmful Best Practices in Philanthropy & Fundraising, Tanya Hannah Rumble and Nicole McVan
SEP 2022: Philanthropy during a pandemic, Chonee Dennis
OCT 2022: To Be or Not To Be - Events in the Age of COVID, Jessica Santhippillai, Yvonne Lai
NOV 2022: What's so Major about Major Gifts? Emily Vassiliadis, Alex Tindale, Anne Ondercin
JAN 2021: Granted - Take your application to the next level and get your grant (almost) every time, Jen Johnstone
FEB 2021: The Power of Storytelling, Carol Lawless & Lois Tuffin
MAR 2021: How to become a CFRE, Dane Bland
APR 2021: Gathering Evidence of Impact, Judith Koke
MAY 2021: Workshop: Monthly Giving Totally Rocks! Sam Laprade
SEP 2021: Ontario Not-for Profit Corporations, Benjamin Miller
OCT 2021: Corporate Prospect to Corporate Partner , Heather Nelson
NOV 2021: Understanding how to implement a successful accessibility strategy, Adam Spencer
JAN 2020: Budgeting Basics, Martin Barclay
APR 2020: Virtual Coffee Klatch
MAY 2020: Workshop: Major Gifts in a COVID-19 world, Nicole Beatty
JUN 2020: Transitioning to Virtual - a moderated discussion with Victoria van Veen
JUL 2020: Planning for Virtual Events, Sarah Bass, Alex Tindale, Carol Lawless, Joanne Sokolowski
SEP 2020: Lessons in Pot, Sam Laprade
OCT 2020: Utilizing Customer-Centric Innovation to set your non-profit up for long-term success, Dennis Geelen
NOV 2020: Giving Trends, Theresa Marques
JAN 2019: Creating a Culture of Philanthropy, Neil Hannam
FEB 2019: Rural Giving in Peterborough Kawartha, Dianne Lister, Jennifer Cureton, Tara King
MAR 2019: Donor Lifecycle Panning, Ted Brown & Adrian Fernandes
APR 2019: To CFRE or Not to CFRE, Emily Vassiliadis, Cynthia J. Armour, Julie Davis, Mike McClintock, Dane Shumak
MAY 2019: Maximize Online Donations with Google Ad Grants, Cory Marazzo & Jamie McClure
AUG 2019: Workshop: Getting Permission to Fundraise, Denny Young
SEP 2019: How Generous is the Generous Business Community? Stu Harrison
OCT 2019: Money Mindset and Fundraising, Cathy Mann
NOV 2019: When Women Give, Theresa Butler-Porter
JAN 2018: Ethically Speaking, Ann Rosenfield
FEB 2018: What is Prospect Management All About? Shannon Byers & Brenda Boyes
MAR 2018: Inclusivity in Fundraising, Kemi Akapo, Kim Dolan, Carol Lawless & Casey Ready
APR 2018: Giving Tuesday Webinar, Lys Hugessen
MAY 2018: Corporate Partnerships, Denny Young
SEP 2018: Emerging Trends in Philanthropy, Nicole Gagliardi
OCT 2018: What Donors Want to Know, Sam Laprade
JAN 2017: Creating impact through donor-centered fundraising, Lesley Heighway
MAR 2017: Myths vs. Facts – Generational Fundraising Shift, Hannah Routly
OCT 2017: Developing a Work Plan for Sustainability, Nicole Beatty
NOV 2017: Self Care in Fundraising, Jane Wilders
NOV 2017: Prospect Research and Management, Shannon Byers
JAN 2016: You’ve Got Mail, Neil Hannam
FEB 2016: Stop Wasting Time Networking, Karen August
APR 2016: How to Tell When You’ve Got a Real News Story AND How to Use a Media Release to Give it Traction, Jane Davidson
SEP 2016: Emerging Challenges & Trends in Fundraising, Chonee Dennis
OCT 2016: Building Strong Board and Staff Fundraising Teams, Cynthia Armour
NOV 2016: Digging through your Database, Steve MacDonald & Dave Adams
JAN 2015: Social Enterprise 101, Frances Wilbur & Natalie Napier
FEB 2015: Media, Market, Message in Social Media, Jeannine Taylor
MAR 2015: Youth Engagement, Nicole Gagliardi
APR 2015: Helping your Board “Get It”, Neil Hannam & Bob Baker
MAY 2015: Professional Accreditation, Theresa Butler-Porter
OCT 2015: Best practices in Donor Stewardship, Dianne Lister
NOV 2015: Reciprocal Relationships in Foundation Philanthropy, John Good, Syd Birrell, Nancy Martin, Jenn Miller
FEB 2014: Strategic Planning Innovation
MAR 2014: Events Planning
MAY 2014: Summer Survival Strategies, Cynthia Armour
SEP 2014: The 10 Commandments of Fundraising Events, Lisa Clarke
OCT 2014: Organizational Storytelling, Carol Lawless
NOV 2014: Media Panel Discussion
FEB 2013: Strategic Planning for Fund Developers
MAR 2013: Engaging Your Board
MAY 2013: Engaging Tomorrow's Youth in Volunteerism
SEP 2013: The Social Kind of Innovation
OCT 2013: 7 Secrets to Social Media
FEB 2012: OTF Information Session
MAR 2012: Building Communities via Social Media
APR 2012: Social Media Strategizing
MAY 2012: Donor Stewardship
OCT 2012: Trends in Fundraising
FEB 2011: Strategic Communication and Issue Management
MAR 2011: Building Your Membership
SEP 2011: What Your Donors Aren't Telling You
OCT 2011: The Board's Role in Fundraising Success
NOV 2011: Philanthropic Trends
FEB 2010: Writing Direct Mails
MAR 2010: Accessibility Standards for Customer Service
APR 2010: Fundraising with Generation X & Y Presentation
MAY 2010: Creating a Successful Year-End Fundraising Appeal
SEPT 2010: Community Foundation of Greater Peterborough
OCT 2010: Planned Giving - Theory vs. Reality
NOV 2010: Stewardship Best Practices in Canada